Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Mobile Blockers / Radio Frequency Jamming Systems


Radio Frequency Jamming Systems have played a secret and silent roll in electronic countermeasures for years. Missiles going astray, missing their targets and lighting up near their launch pads (compromised launch and terminate path codes) are just a few examples of what this technology is capable of. On the public side of this arena with the huge proliferation of cell phones in the beginning of this century a huge backlash has been created with many people regarding cell-phone use as a public nuisance in movie theaters, concert halls, restaurants, places of worship and many other places where “silence is the golden rule”. Also, cell phones contribute to academic cheating (taking pictures of a test and then sending them on to their classmates); this same scenario is used in industrial espionage.,2933,355675,00.html

Cellular Phone Jamming Applications

As mentioned earlier jamming devices were originally developed for the Military and Federal Law enforcement to jam or silence communications used by the bad guys. The bombs that blew up commuter trains in Spain in March 2004, as well as blasts in Bali in October 2002 and Jakarta in August 2003, all of these explosions utilized cell phones to trigger the explosives. Jamming devices have saved several Presidents lives and are implemented by most all NATO heads of state have cellular jamming devices installed in the vehicles used motorcades wherever they travel throughout the world.,2933,339789,00.html

Now for the Best Part: Jamming Technology Saves the Lives of True American Heroes – our Military Personnel

IED’s (Improvised Explosive Devices) and RCIEDs (Remote Controlled Improvised Explosive Devices) are the weapon of choice and used by the bad guys in ‘hot spots” the world over. IED’s RCIEDs are a major threat against coalition forces and are responsible for over 67% of all US and collation deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan. The facts are the facts – from July 2003 until July 2007, 1565 collation personnel were killed by these devices. In addition IED’s and RCIEDs are also a homeland threat to many democracies around the world and by homegrown radical groups that are imbedded within these Countries. Jammers save the lives of solders by blocking the radio waves emitted by the terrorists’ remote control devices from reaching the IED’s detonator so the EID does not explode.


WTI’s MobileBlocker unit was featured on FOX 11 News; watch the video on YouTube here:

~Dan Fancher, President, C.E.O.


WTI (Wireless Technology, Inc.)

Video Surveillance Products Dedicated to the Broadcast, Global Security and Transportation Markets!


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