Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Mobile Blockers / Radio Frequency Jamming Systems


Radio Frequency Jamming Systems have played a secret and silent roll in electronic countermeasures for years. Missiles going astray, missing their targets and lighting up near their launch pads (compromised launch and terminate path codes) are just a few examples of what this technology is capable of. On the public side of this arena with the huge proliferation of cell phones in the beginning of this century a huge backlash has been created with many people regarding cell-phone use as a public nuisance in movie theaters, concert halls, restaurants, places of worship and many other places where “silence is the golden rule”. Also, cell phones contribute to academic cheating (taking pictures of a test and then sending them on to their classmates); this same scenario is used in industrial espionage.,2933,355675,00.html

Cellular Phone Jamming Applications

As mentioned earlier jamming devices were originally developed for the Military and Federal Law enforcement to jam or silence communications used by the bad guys. The bombs that blew up commuter trains in Spain in March 2004, as well as blasts in Bali in October 2002 and Jakarta in August 2003, all of these explosions utilized cell phones to trigger the explosives. Jamming devices have saved several Presidents lives and are implemented by most all NATO heads of state have cellular jamming devices installed in the vehicles used motorcades wherever they travel throughout the world.,2933,339789,00.html

Now for the Best Part: Jamming Technology Saves the Lives of True American Heroes – our Military Personnel

IED’s (Improvised Explosive Devices) and RCIEDs (Remote Controlled Improvised Explosive Devices) are the weapon of choice and used by the bad guys in ‘hot spots” the world over. IED’s RCIEDs are a major threat against coalition forces and are responsible for over 67% of all US and collation deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan. The facts are the facts – from July 2003 until July 2007, 1565 collation personnel were killed by these devices. In addition IED’s and RCIEDs are also a homeland threat to many democracies around the world and by homegrown radical groups that are imbedded within these Countries. Jammers save the lives of solders by blocking the radio waves emitted by the terrorists’ remote control devices from reaching the IED’s detonator so the EID does not explode.


WTI’s MobileBlocker unit was featured on FOX 11 News; watch the video on YouTube here:

~Dan Fancher, President, C.E.O.


WTI (Wireless Technology, Inc.)

Video Surveillance Products Dedicated to the Broadcast, Global Security and Transportation Markets!


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wireless System Installation Tips


When selecting a location for your WTI wireless video systems, there are a few important things you need to take into consideration.

1.) Line-of-Sight (LoS)

To achieve optimal performance, from any high frequency wireless device, a clear line-of-sight is necessary. Line-of-sight refers to a clear, unobstructed path between the transmitter and receiver antennas. The antennas produce an invisible beam that can be compromised by building obstructions, ground and/or water reflection. Well designed RF products can withstand a 20% loss of this invisible beam before performance reduction is detectable.

To get the best possible signal with your WTI wireless system, you need to have LoS or transmit through the least amount of materials on the peripheral of the LoS. Problems will occur when you try to transmit through any type of metal or steel-reinforced concrete. If there is a significant amount of metal too close to the transmitter antenna, reflected RF may cancel some of the transmitted signal and reduce the range and the quality of the signal. For maximum radio frequency (RF) propagation, a clear LoS is best.

2.) Antenna Height

Antenna height and line-of-sight usually go hand in hand, though not always. Many times LoS is achieved but the consideration that traffic may pass through the RF path is not always thought through. This scenario occurs often at truck depots, airports and shipyard installations. Mounting the antennas above traffic not only eliminates intermittent signal loss it also helps a link achieve optimal performance. By mounting the antennas as high as possible it will allow the link to operate in air space that is less crowded with other RF noise. Mounting the antennas above other RF noise gives the receiver less to contend with by allowing it to hear the information it has transmitted more clearly, therefore processing that information more efficiently and accurately. The bottom line: make sure that your wireless system will be mounted high enough to prevent traffic from passing between the transmitter and receiver. If the system is placed too low, the quality of the signal will be reduced every time a large object passes between the two antennas.

3.) Antenna Mounting

Make sure that each system antenna is mounted to a solid structure that does not allow for antenna movement during strong winds. Although WTI’s antenna design allows for small movements this tolerance lessens the further the RF signal must be propagated. A 30° movement on our 2 mile links with our patented phase array antenna would not affect the signal very much but the same movement on a 50 mile link could miss its target by miles. That being said: please keep in mind that our product mounting requirements dwarf when compared to the monstrous and rigorous concrete and steel mounting required for super higher frequency microwave, a simple solid pole will do.

4.) Testing

It is good practice to bench test your WTI system before installation. Even though WTI is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company with a strict quality control processes, equipment can be damaged during shipping or a miscommunication to what was ordered could take place. This is why the equipment should be tested at the shop. Bench testing allows for confirmation that the correct equipment was shipped, that it works properly, and it builds confidence in the overall system operation before the permanent installation.

We’re not done yet! Before permanently mounting the system, we also recommend testing the system at the site where it will be permanently mounted. This will ensure that the system is working properly at that site and not affect by other RF that may be in the area.

These are just a few basic things that can be done to ensure a working installation. By following these tips we hope to reduce and/or eliminate the risk of your installation exceeding its estimated time and cost. WTI’s products are designed for easy installation and we understand the temptation to just put it up and let it ROCK but its always good practice to test before hand. In the long run this will save you money!


Here are two forms to help you plan your next WTI (Wireless Technology, Inc.) wireless system installation.

Wireless Application:

Ethernet/IP Application:

~Eric Myers, Director of Wireless Products

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Thermal Revolution is now under way!


I can remember sitting in a meeting over 20 years ago in Langley, Virginia discussing that one day there could be video sensors capable of seeing clearly in total darkness, through dust, smoke and fog! I also remember someone mentioning that if a camera did have that capability it would cost a small fortune to make and to buy. Well that day is upon us, but thankfully the sensors don’t cost a small fortune.

It is amazing that the technological breakthroughs that change the very nature of an industry happen before anyone takes notice of them – even people who think that they are on the forefront of technology. A good example of this is the point and shoot CMOS digital cameras that we all now take for granted. It wasn’t all that long ago that their cost was high and their performance wasn’t nearly as good as film. However, because of their ease of use, instant picture review (gratification) and the ability to quickly email and share the pictures, their volumes increased and their production costs decreased. Now they have replaced pretty much all film cameras and put the once great instant picture company into a tail spin. By the way, I wonder what Kodak and Polaroid were thinking along the way to now?

Here is the news folks: a paradigm shift is now underway in thermal sensor technology and it is forever going to change the way video detection gets done. This snowball is rolling and picking up steam and getting bigger every day. This technology has changed the way the security industry gets things done. It has changed the way firefighting gets done. This technology has changed the way we fight our wars. This technology is going to have a profound improvement in the way vehicle traffic is managed thus creating safer and more efficient roads, cleaner air and an overall improved quality of life. This technology is going to be as common as digital cameras in cell phones.

~Dan Fancher, President/C.E.O.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Digital Television Kills Old People, Babies, Birds and Cats!


I have just learned that DTV can cause massive health injuries. Birds falling from the sky, phlegmatic cats, and evidence of huge increases in headaches, unclear thinking, nervous tensions, total apathy and stabbing pain come from being exposed to even minute levels of digital television signals.

This recently discovered data comes from a panel of highly trained German doctors. These physicians provided a list of the dangers posed by digital television as experienced in their country. The doctors plead for our government to stop the DTV transition until fiber optics can be used to replace RF delivery.

Dear Citizens of the United States of America:

In the U.S., digital broadcast television is scheduled to start operating on June 12, 2009. I am writing this blog to all of you today because I wish to save you from the significant negative health consequences that have occurred recently in Germany.

In Germany, analog broadcast television stations have gradually been switching to digital broadcast signals since 2003. This switchover first took place in metropolitan areas. In those areas, however, the RF exposures in public places as well as at home continued to increase at the same time. As a result, the continuing declining health status of children, adolescents, and adults in urban areas could not be attributed to any single cause.

On May 20, 2006, two digital broadcast television stations went on the air in the Hessian Rhoen area (Heidelstein, Kreuzberg), which until recently had enjoyed rather low mobile phone radiation exposure levels. Within a radius of more than 20 km, the following symptoms that occurred abruptly were reported: constant headaches, pressure in the head, drowsiness, sleep problems, inability to think clearly, forgetfulness, nervous tensions, irritability, tightness in the chest, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, depressive mood, total apathy, loss of empathy, burning skin, inner burning, leg weakness, pain in the limbs, stabbing pain in various organs, and weight increase.

Birds had fled the area. Cats had turned phlegmatic and hardly ever went into the garden. One child committed suicide; a second child tried doing it. Over time, the same unbearable symptoms showed up in other locations – most recently in Bamberg and Aschaffenburg on November 25, 2008. Physicians accompanied affected people to areas where there was no DTV reception (valleys, behind mountain ranges) and witnessed how these people became symptom-free only after a short period of time.

The respective agencies responsible in Germany were approached for help, but they declined to follow up on the strongly suggestive evidence in the actual locations. The behavior of the government agencies disregards the fundamental rights of affected people guaranteed in the German Constitution.

In Germany, DVB-T (Digital Video Broadcasting Terrestrial) uses orthogonal frequency division multiplex modulation. The fundamental principle of this type of modulation works by spreading the information across several thousand carrier frequencies directly adjacent to each other. A channel is 7.8 MHz wide. The amplitude also changes constantly.

The German Radiation Protection Commission and the German Federal Ministry of the Environment rely on the guidelines for limiting exposure to time-varying electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields (up to 300 GHz), (Health Physics 74 (4): 494-522; 1998) published by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). In this document, it says:

“These guidelines will be periodically revised and updated as advances are made in identifying the adverse health effects of time-varying electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic. In this context, it is also important to recognize that there are large differences in exposure levels within a given population.

A small child, for example, absorbs much more RF energy than an adult person… There are several findings on low-level exposures, which are considered scientifically validated because they have been reproduced often but which are rather difficult to interpret.

The impact of mostly pulsed or ELF modulated RF radiation on cell metabolism, for example, counts among them. It has been observed that the efflux of certain ions (e.g. calcium) from a cell increases during exposure to such fields. The occurrence of this effect is described almost completely independent of the actual field strength. It can be found at extremely low absorption levels. With all the currently available scientific findings, there remain some crucial questions unanswered.

There are gaps in the so called body of evidence. That means that the biological effects, for example, have only been investigated for individual frequencies. Data (e.g. effect thresholds) on the various biological effects across the entire frequency spectrum are not available. The exposure limits, therefore, are based on an approach that greatly simplifies the very complex reality whose details are unfathomable. It should also be noted that concrete data on possible effects of long-term exposures are mostly lacking.”

Real life teaches us that it was wrong to simplify. In Germany, we see strong evidence of a direct temporal association between the start-up of terrestrial digital broadcast television and the occurrence of severe health symptoms.

Dr. Ing. W. Volkrodt, former R&D engineer at Siemens, recognized the danger of electromagnetic fields for humans, animals, and plants. He pinned his hopes on policymakers who would listen to reason when he wrote in 1987:

“Future historians will refer to the RF dilemma during the period from around 1975 to 1990 as a short, time-limited ‘technical incident.’ Owing to the introduction of fiber optic technology, this incident could be remediated quickly and effectively.”

Satellites and cable provide the U.S. population with television services. By contrast, the risk associated with terrestrial digital broadcast television transmitters is unacceptable.

We, therefore, ask you, dear Mr. President, who has the wellbeing of his citizens at heart, to stop the scheduled introduction of this new technology in the United States of America and to save the people from the negative health consequences that have occurred in our country.