Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Five major reasons you need to go wireless!

Why Wireless?

Five major reasons you need to go wireless:

1.) Cost
As the technology of wireless video systems advance, and its applications become more commonplace, the cost of a wireless solution will continue to decrease. Conversely, the cost related to trenching, conduit, cable and labor to install a remote real time camera to monitor video systems will continue to increase.

2.) When You Can’t Cable, Wireless Will Increase Your Sales Opportunities
There are many point-to-point real time video applications that would be impossible without implementing the Wireless Solution.

For example:
~The need for access across private land, a public road or highway, a river or railroad tracks, etc.

~The expense of alternative transmission methods such as trenching fiber optic cable, or leasing high bandwidth T-1, T-2 or T-3 lines are exorbitant, let alone the cost of the CODEC equipment required using these lines. In many applications the bottom line mandates the use of WTI’s (Wireless Technology, Inc.) high-tech solutions.

Likewise, there are many mobile and / or covert video operations where cable is not an option.

For example:
~The operator of a high-speed train wanting to observe upcoming grade crossings.

~A security professional requiring video evidence for an investigation – evidence which cannot be obtained by utilizing any other method.

Wireless can go where no cable can.

3.) Convenience of Set-up and Installation Equals Productivity
Which often times translates into the real cost savings; whether a mobile, covert portable, or point-to-point video transmission systems, the use of a wireless video link will save set-up or installation time. Time is money!

4.) Ownership
Unlike ISDN line or T-1 option, a Wireless Solution does not have a monthly usage fee, and furthermore WTI offers both Part 15 (license free) and Part 101 (pathway-exclusivity) short and long range systems.

5.) Providing Leading Edge Technology
Promoting the Wireless Technology, Inc. line of products will help distinguish your company from the others by offering the highest quality products and innovative technical solutions, thereby increasing your bottom line.

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