Wednesday, February 25, 2009

High Definition P/T/Z Camera for ENG and Broadcast Applications

WTI’s HD Sidewinder

SW on Van

The new HD Sidewinder camera from Wireless Technology, Inc. offers several unique features that make it particularly well suited to the Mobile ENG and Broadcasting markets.

It's sleek, aerodynamic shape allows it to travel well at freeway speeds on the top of an ENG van. The curved outer housing smoothly directs the airflow over the camera tube at the rear of the camera during travel, preventing the camera faceplate from being damaged or contaminated by bugs, dirt, gravel or rain. The light weight 12.5 pound package, when compared with other P/T/Z cameras, presents much less of a load for camera masts to cope with during vehicle motion with the mast extended.

SW on Van

The pan motion of the camera operates through a continuous 360º, allowing the camera to remain on target, even if the ENG van must be in motion around the scene of the action. The 180º range in the tilt axis allows viewing of objects directly overhead or below as well.

The 1080i/720p resolution of the HD Sidewinder provides exceptional video quality. The HD Sidewinder also allows adjustment of critical camera video parameters such as Gamma and color balance. All of the standard features expected in modern cameras, such as backlight compensation are supported in the camera, as well as a wide selection of exposure modes, like shutter priority, iris priority, manual, spot and bright modes. The native YPbPr video output of the camera can be converted to HD-SDI with an optional interface device.

Sidewinder - No Mount

The HD Sidewinder offers an outstanding combination of features suitable for ENG and broadcast applications at a very affordable price.

~Dale Roche, Director of Engineering

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Security Solutions: Westpark, Ventura, California



Westpark is a community center within the city of Ventura. About ten (10) years ago it was a run down facility with old equipment and vandals around every corner. Wireless Technology, Inc. (WTI) was originally called in to do a wireless camera setup for the perimeter of the building. Four remote cameras, each on a stand alone pole viewing every section of the perimeter approach to the facility. Within days, the original setup was gunned down by gang members who made the center their hangout. The community center then had a better understanding to what lengths the gangs will go and approved a few minor, but critically important, upgrades. The camera housings were replaced with bullet resistant units, and three Ambervision I night vision cameras were added to the facility. After the upgrades the vandalism stopped in all areas of the facility. No more graffiti, no people getting mugged, and it became an all around safe place thanks to the design and setup of the WTI equipment.

Over the years, Westpark became a safe area where kids could go while their parents were at work. They play basketball, study, and hang out with their peers in a secure environment. As time went on, they opened a newly furnished basketball gym to the public for people eighteen and older; but, with the new gym and the increased traffic, came issues with fights and damages to the interior of the gym. That’s where we came in again.

The existing WTI cameras stayed right where they were; the new objective was to secure the primary entrance and the inside of the new gym; adding a total of five (5) new cameras to the setup. The first two (2) cameras were “bullet type” cameras that were placed facing the entrance, followed by two (2) covert “hidden” cameras pointing down the two side walls approaching the main door. The next camera, an additional Ambervision camera, was placed on a telephone pole that was about sixty (60) feet away from the building, set forty (40) feet up in the air, to give a strong visual, day or night, of the entire front of the building. With the camera additions, along with the existing seven (7) cameras, gave us a clear view of the entire outside of the building and key areas of the interior of the gym.

After we were comfortable with the way the project looked, we made a final walk through with the director of the facility. They expressed concerns with two possible entry points; one to the north gym and the other to the south near the primary door where we placed our first camera; the new problem areas were under the baskets at each end of the gym. We had narrowed it down to two options that we were going to go with. The first was a P/T/Z dome camera, and the second was two fixed cameras. After discussing the options with the director of the gym, we decided to go with fixed cameras. This was an easy decision after finding out that they would not have someone in the front office monitoring the P/T/Z camera at all times.

On the east and west of the gym, they decided to add two more fixed, vandal resistant, mini dome cameras about thirty five (35) feet up in the air to specifically monitor play on each side of the basketball court. The reason for this was to not only get a perfect visual of activity on the basketball court, but the cameras added an additional general view of the entry points, as mentioned before. This enabled them to have identifiable images of who is coming, and who is going and a wide general shot to see if a crowd was gathering anywhere. With the cameras up, the video in place, with a total of 16 cameras, the approximate 10,000 square foot facility was covered, inside and out.

We managed to bring all of these cameras back to a very confined main office, a place where people would come and go, non stop. We did this deliberately for two reasons: 1) This location was easily accessible, staffed at all times and all staff could go back and play the video if there were any problems; 2) As a deterrent, the LCD monitor for the system was mounted in plain view to the public as they entered the facility and passed by the office. The DVR (Digital Video Recorder) connected to the cameras is in a remote area of the office and is securely housed in a lockbox.

Most of the time people want cameras to catch the person in the act of the crime, or find out who did it; but when you are dealing with children, you want the crime stopped before it even starts.

~Patrick Kearns, Product Specialist

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

WTI's Sidewinder VS. a dome camera

Sidewinder VS. Dome Camera

WTI’s Sidewinder camera is more versatile than any dome camera in the industry. It is the best Pan / Tilt / Zoom camera I’ve ever seen! There are so many Dome cameras out there, many are very good and many… well you get what you paid for. The Sidewinder is dollar-for-dollar the best value in a P/T/Z camera over a Dome. Don’t get me wrong, Domes are good but their view is quite limited. The Sidewinder camera’s view is UNLIMITED!!!

1.) WTI’s Sidewinder has continuous 360 degree rotation on both pan and tilt axis; however, while a dome camera has a 360 degree pan it only a 90 degree tilt.

2.) The Sidewinder’s view is not limited to the horizon of its mount level while a dome is. The dome actually cuts off when the camera tilts up and hits the top of the dome. Therefore, you can mount the Sidewinder on a shorter pole than a dome because it can see higher than a dome.

3.) Most dome covers will warp or crack after being exposed to the heat or sun for long periods of time – distorting the video picture. They also accumulate dirt so the dome needs to be cleaned periodically.

4.) The Sidewinder has a Hydrophilic self cleaning glass window and an ITO coating on the inside of the lens which conducts electricity through the lens so it will never fog up. No more wipers or periodical cleaning here.

5.) The Sidewinder supports up to 64 presets, 8 tours with 32 presets each. Domes usually support up to 128 presets but tours range from 4 to 8 with as many as 16 presets per tour.

6.) Sidewinder has 520 horizontal TV lines and most Domes have as much as 480 horizontal TV lines a few have 540 TV lines depending on the dome and who makes it.

7.) Domes are a very popular camera. They are priced from very inexpensive to very expensive for a camera with the same specs. They are a dime a dozen and most if not all out there are made outside of the United States.

8.) The Sidewinder is made here in the USA!

9.) The Sidewinder also comes in a High-Definition version while Domes do not. This means the Sidewinder can be used by Television Stations and News vans to broadcast in HD. You just can’t do that with a Dome.

10.) The Sidewinder can operate at extreme temperatures of -29ºF to 165ºF. The best Dome camera I’ve seen can operate at -50ºF to 113ºF. Depending on where you are at, your dome camera will not function in real cold or real hot weather for an extended period of time. The Sidewinder will.

11.) Domes are typically made out of plastic which makes them subject to being scratched, cracked and warped.

12.) The Sidewinder has a 35X optical and a 140X digital zoom with the clearest picture I have ever seen. Most domes don’t have 35X optical and 140 digital zoom capabilities, they usually have up to 30X and most of the time; they are more around 16X to 20X optical zoom with very little to no digital zoom capabilities.

13.) Depending on what color dome you have, you will experience light loss (except clear domes) which can affect the quality of your video. The Sidewinder does not have any loss of light.

14.) The Sidewinder has great low light sensitivity. It can see at 0.05 Lux to 0.01 Lux in IR mode.

15.) Sidewinder has 0.05 degree preset repeatability; while domes aren’t nearly as accurate.

16.) Domes are very limited on where they can be mounted, as they must be mounted pointed down and attached to an arm to hold it in place (indoor domes can be mounted in ceilings). Sidewinders are a lot more flexible to mount because they are mounted upright. They can go on top of and side of poles, on top of buildings or structures without long arms.

17.) The Sidewinder is more cost effective due to a lot less maintenance, it doesn’t have to be mounted in a real high location and one Sidewinder can do the job of multiple domes.

Domes are primarily a security surveillance camera. The Sidewinder is so much more!!

~Lester Miyasaki, National Sales Manager

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Five major reasons you need to go wireless!

Why Wireless?

Five major reasons you need to go wireless:

1.) Cost
As the technology of wireless video systems advance, and its applications become more commonplace, the cost of a wireless solution will continue to decrease. Conversely, the cost related to trenching, conduit, cable and labor to install a remote real time camera to monitor video systems will continue to increase.

2.) When You Can’t Cable, Wireless Will Increase Your Sales Opportunities
There are many point-to-point real time video applications that would be impossible without implementing the Wireless Solution.

For example:
~The need for access across private land, a public road or highway, a river or railroad tracks, etc.

~The expense of alternative transmission methods such as trenching fiber optic cable, or leasing high bandwidth T-1, T-2 or T-3 lines are exorbitant, let alone the cost of the CODEC equipment required using these lines. In many applications the bottom line mandates the use of WTI’s (Wireless Technology, Inc.) high-tech solutions.

Likewise, there are many mobile and / or covert video operations where cable is not an option.

For example:
~The operator of a high-speed train wanting to observe upcoming grade crossings.

~A security professional requiring video evidence for an investigation – evidence which cannot be obtained by utilizing any other method.

Wireless can go where no cable can.

3.) Convenience of Set-up and Installation Equals Productivity
Which often times translates into the real cost savings; whether a mobile, covert portable, or point-to-point video transmission systems, the use of a wireless video link will save set-up or installation time. Time is money!

4.) Ownership
Unlike ISDN line or T-1 option, a Wireless Solution does not have a monthly usage fee, and furthermore WTI offers both Part 15 (license free) and Part 101 (pathway-exclusivity) short and long range systems.

5.) Providing Leading Edge Technology
Promoting the Wireless Technology, Inc. line of products will help distinguish your company from the others by offering the highest quality products and innovative technical solutions, thereby increasing your bottom line.

Hello from WTI

Company Overview

WTI (Wireless Technology, Inc.) has over a 20 year history of providing innovative solutions, exceptional customer service and is respected worldwide as a Video Surveillance Systems innovator and quality manufacturer. The company’s products are installed in numerous locations worldwide.

WTI is a privately held company located in Ventura, California. The company was originally founded in May of 1984 in Culver City, California and relocated to its current location in November 1990. WTI is American and Veteran owned, and all of the company’s manufacturing facilities are located in the United States of America.

WTI provides outstanding customer support and satisfaction; and has become an industry leader by vertically integrating product design, engineering, and marketing under one roof.

Crime in the 21st Century will be widespread, and all-encompassing, ranging from employee theft, burglary and robbery, to sophisticated white collar computer fraud and information theft. Most frightening however, will be increased acts of terrorism.

It is critically important that balanced and comprehensive systems be in place to enhance the safety and security of the environment we live in. Would you trust the safety of your community, business, employees or customers to anything less than WTI?

“When Failure is Not An Option” WTI is the “Intelligent Solution.”
-Dan Fancher President/C.E.O.